Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Atheism Is a Religion

This morning in the Science Times of the New York Times there was an article about a women named Dr. Carolyn Porco. You can find the article here. Very interesting... Maybe atheism is just as much of a relgion. Dr. Porco said, "Let’s teach our children from a very young age about the story of the universe and its incredible richness and beauty. It is already so much more glorious and awesome — and even comforting — than anything offered by any scripture or God concept I know."

Monday, November 20, 2006


Welcome to my blog. My name is Ben. I am a student in high school. The title of my blog is Crosscentric meaning that the cross of Christ is at the center of our doctrine and actions. External conformity will accomplish nothing but a self-righteous and "anti-gospel" disposition before God. The answer lies at a biblical understanding of the cross. So in this blog I will attempt to cover issues like doctrine (and the lack there of) to the culture today while trying to bring across the supremacy of Christ and His cross through all matters. So I hope you will stop by and take a look every now and again.
For Christ and His Supremacy,
Ben Prinz

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mark Driscoll

This is a rather old video but I wanted to post it just to get something up.

Starting Up

Just starting up!